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Artwork Guidelines
presto crest client supportThe following guidelines are provided to help reduce added art charges.
Supplied artwork: The best way to supply your artwork is as a vector file at the exact size you want it finished. This is easy but if you can’t edit your piece tell us the finished size you want it.
Please email all vector artwork as a .ai, .eps or . PDF file with a .jpg proof for accuracy to When emailing artwork, your file should be no larger than 10mb.
We prefer to work with vector art saved or exported as a Adobe Illustrator .ai, or a Encapsulated Postscript .eps. file. If you are working in Corel Draw please save or export your files as above before emailing them to us.
To avoid added art charges your computer generated artwork file should meet the following criteria:
- Coloured artwork should be supplied as a vectored file. Raster file types such as .jpg, .gif, etc. must generally be recreated from scratch by our art department .
- All colours in your artwork should be Pantone SPOT COLOUR, not 4 COLOUR PROCESS (CMYK).
- Each colour in the design should only be assigned one distinct Pantone colour. Also, if your design includes white please make sure that it has been coloured Pantone white.
- Please convert all fonts/text to outlines (ai) or curves (cdr). Fonts / Typefaces can change when opened on a different computer .
- If your file includes 'placed' images please make sure you include them separately or embed them into the file if your program allows it.
- 6) All line weights in the design must have a thickness of 1.25 points or higher to screen print.
- 7) For Multi Colour Presto Easy Transfers (PET) the artwork needs to have a common background colour surrounding all printed colours unless the design elements to be printed do not touch or partially overlap. If this is not the case a clear background will be added to the design and be charged as another colour.
Any variation from these recommendations may result in additional art charges as we have to spend time making the artwork compatible with the screen printing process.